
Friday, 22 September 2023



735 kali dilihat

Resource Person at Coordination Meeting for Data Verification and Processing Results of ST2023 East Kalimantan Province

Samarinda (21/09/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Economic and Natural Resources Sector (PSDA), Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo was a resource person in a series of Data Verification Meetings and ST2023 Processing Results for East Kalimantan Province by the Central Statistics Agency of East Kalimantan Province at the Aston Samarinda hotel.


At the event, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda delivered a presentation regarding "East Kalimantan Agricultural Development Strategy for Sustainable Food Security".


“For your information, the East Kalimantan Province Food Security Index in 2022 is 77.65. This index is used to determine the level of food security in a region and its supporting factors. There are nine indicators used in preparing the IKP and are derivatives of three aspects of food security, namely availability, affordability and utilization of food. "From this value, if we look at the indicators that make it up, the availability aspect is the aspect that has the lowest value," said the Head of PSDA Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province in front of around 84 participants consisting of BPS RI, BPS Kaltim, and related regional apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.


One ​​of the efforts to increase the Food Security Index is by intervening in areas (subdistricts/villages) that are in the food insecure category. It is recorded that in 2022 there will be 45 villages included in the food insecure category. One way to eradicate food insecurity in villages is by distributing food reserves in North Penajam Paser Regency on July 17 2023.

In the ST2023 Processing Results Data Verification event, there were also other speakers, including the First Resource Person, Mr. Ir.Dody Heriando S.S., M.Econ. Director of Industrial Statistics who conveyed the Verification of ST2023 Processing Data Results for East Kalimantan Province. And Mrs. Dr. Yusniar Julianan, SST, MIDEC as Head of BPS East Kalimantan Province who spoke about Realizing Sustainable Agricultural Development in East Kalimantan.

The National Strategy and Planning for Fulfilling the National Capital's Food Supply, namely by Increasing Production Capacity, Local Food Certification, Strengthening Food Reserves and Logistics Systems, Development of Modern Agriculture . Meanwhile, the Agricultural Development Strategy in the East Kalimantan Regional Development Plan (RPD) for 2024-2026 aims to achieve quality economic growth to realize economic diversification, increase livestock production and productivity, increase investment competitiveness in the non-oil and gas and coal sectors, increase food availability. through monitoring food supplies and food reserves, Handling Food Insecurity Areas, Increasing production and productivity as well as added value of food crop and horticultural sub-sector commodities, Increasing diversifying food consumption based on local food, increasing production and adding value to superior plantation commodities.


For your information, the Central Statistics Agency has implemented the 2023 Agricultural Census, in accordance with Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics. The 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) aims to collect information related to agricultural data in response to the need for agricultural information, both at the national and international level, and ST2023 activities are designed to obtain international standard agricultural statistics by referring to the World Program for the Cencus of Agriculture (WCA ). As an effort to improve data quality, BPS East Kalimantan Province is carrying out ST2023 Processing Results Data Verification activities.


The aim of this activity is to carry out verification of ST2023 processing data, evaluate the implementation of the complete ST2023 enumeration, both technical and administrative activities, coordinate with regional agencies, as a means of collaboration to realize quality ST2023 data. It was attended by 73 participants consisting of BPS RI, BPS District/City Department/OPD Provincial. East Kalimantan and BPS Provincial East Kalimantan.



#VerificationData andProcessingResultsST2023Kaltim
