
Thursday, 24 August 2023



523 kali dilihat

Resource Person for Stakeholder Meeting Implementation of Forest and Land Rehabilitation in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Samarinda, (23/08/2023). Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division of the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo attended the stakeholder meeting regarding the Implementation of the Forest and Land Rehabilitation Program in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Improving Livelihoods for Communities around the Forest as a resource person at the Aston Hotel.


Through the support of the International Development and Research Center (IDRC) and the OAK Foundation, PATTIRO runs the Think Climate Indonesia program. This activity focuses on assessing the effectiveness of implementing Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL) in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving livelihoods for communities around forests at research locations in East Kalimantan Province


The research aims to determine the achievement of RHL as per the 2020-2024 RPJMN target, the effectiveness of RHL in synergy with social forestry as an effort to mitigate climate change in Indonesia as well as the benefits and impacts of RHL for communities around the forest. The results of the research are expected to provide input to the Government regarding the strategy for achieving FOLUNet Sink2030 and background study material for the 2025-2029 RPJMN in the forestry sector.


The implementation of the RHL program includes RHL which is carried out contractually and self-managed, whether sourced from the APBN, APBD or License Holders (IPPKH).


The benefits of implementing RHL for communities around forest areas include economic benefits and social benefits. Economic benefits, communities or forest farming groups gain profits from the sale of crop harvests. Meanwhile, the social benefits of involving communities or forest farmer groups in the RHL program can strengthen farmer institutions and increase awareness in managing forests sustainably.



