
Friday, 19 November 2021



2220 times seen

Monitoring of evaluation and preparation of SDGs achievement reports

Thursday, November 18, 2021. Head of Economy and Natural Resources Bappeda Kaltim, Ir. Hidayanti Darma, M.P., representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province to be a resource of activities carried out online in the context of renewal and evaluation of sustainable development goals/sustainable development goals (TPB/SDGs) in Berau Regency.

In her presentation, Ms. Hidayanti conveyed the Regional Action Plan for Sustainable Development Development (TPB/SDGS) is a work plan document 5 (five) annual at the provincial level to carry out various activities that directly and indirectly support the achievement of TPB in accordance with the regional development goals.

The purpose of monitoring TPB/SDGs includes observing the development of TPB/SDGs achievement from time to time, measuring the progress of the achievement of targets by using indicators that have been set, and identify and anticipate problems that arise and will arise, so that action can be taken as early as possible.

In terms of reporting and publication of monitoring and evaluation results, reports are published through the official website of the local government as a public media to disseminate information related to monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

#baped mutiled

#sustainable development

