Presentation of Preliminary Reports Package Preparation of Feasibility Studies Access Toll Roads to the Capital City of the City of Balikpapan
Head of the Infrastructure and Seniority Division accompanied by technical staff attending the agenda of the preliminary report on the preparation of the feasibility study of the Access Toll Road to the Capital City of Balikpapan through the Zoom Meeting on Monday, 6/6/2022. The agenda was also attended by the East Kalimantan Provincial PUPR Office; Director of Freeway; Director of System and Strategy for Organizing Roads and Bridges; Director of Road and Bridge Infrastructure Financing; BPJT members; Center for National Road Implementation Prov. Kaltim; IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force; BPJT Secretariat; PT. Virama by KSO PT Anugerah Kridapradana as many as 67 participants.
The presentation was conveyed by the Toll Road Regulatory Agency, the Directorate General of Bina Marga of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Works. At the presentation, it was explained that the IKN was planned to be a Super Hub Kalimantan who needed a reliable transportation network accessibility. Therefore a freeway or often called toll road is needed to increase the potential of investment and double -useful road exploitation, namely: Optimization of Logistics Distribution Networks and Efficiency of Mobilization of People, Goods, Services; and optimization of road implementation financing for involving non -government investment.
Conception of IKN toll road planning is the function and suitability of the area and spatial planning. Kaltim, Balikpapan City, Kab. PU PU. IKN connectivity is found at Sams Sepinggan Airport; Port: Telsus IHM, Tuks Iku, Balang Island Pier, Lango Pier, Pel. Buluminung and supporting areas. OPTIMIZATION OF FUNCTION AND NETWORK EXISTING ROAD: ON-OFF RAMP Toll For Access to Balang Island Region and Bridge Access.
In the toll road construction there are segments and alternative traces of IKN tolls.
Segment 1: SEPINGAN AIRPORT-Toll Balsam;
Segment 2: Toll Balsam;
Segment 3: Balsam Toll Km.9 - Sp. Tempadung;
Segment 4: Sp. TEMPADUNG - Inner Ring Road IKN;
Segment 5: Sp. Tempadung - airport plan; and
Segment 6: VVIP Airport-Outer Ring Road Plan IKN.
As for the aspects that need to be considered in the alternative transition, namely the basis of development, length (km), land availability, construction difficulties and special conditions. Recap the distance on the initial transaction recommendation with a distance of 50.3 km long; IKN - VVIP Airport along 27.65 km and total toll length of 77.18 km.
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#study jalantol