Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Discussion of the Final Report on Preparing Investment Opportunities for Downstream Rubber and Its Derivative Products
Balikpapan, (18/10/2023). East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda through Prospective Economic & Natural Resources Planner of East Kalimantan Bappeda Nurmiana Afriany attended the Final Report Discussion Meeting on the Preparation of Investment Opportunities for Rubber Downstreaming and Its Derivative Products which was held by the East Kalimantan DPMPTSP at the Swisbell Hotel Balikpapan.
This activity was carried out by DPMPTSP Kaltim in collaboration with PT. Andeskaraya Berdikari in preparing Investment Opportunities for Downstream Rubber and Derivative Products in order to implement the 2023 Investment Climate Development program.
There are several conclusions reached from the results of discussions on Downstream Investment Opportunities for Rubber Products & their derivatives which were attended by Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, City Districts, as well as related stakeholders, including:
1. Construction of the Crumb Rubber (processed rubber) industry built in the Kariangau Industrial area;
2. Production capacity target is 50 tons/day or the equivalent of 15,000 tons/year for 300 working days;
3. The industrial development time from basic design to commercial run test takes 24 months (2 years);
4. The plan for the nearest source of raw materials was imported from Paser District and Kab. PPU with an area of 2,000 Ha;
5. Other sources of raw materials that are ready are in the district. Kubar, Kukar, Paser and Kutim;
6. Total rubber production in East Kalimantan reaches 60,077 tons/year and is considered to be able to meet the raw material needs of 15,000 tons/year for the Crumb Rubber industrial area in Kariangau;
7. The total investment value required is 329 billion; and
8. The Capex value is 341 billion and Opex is 146 billion.
#DownstreamRubberAndIts DerivativeProducts