
Sunday, 27 March 2022



1963 times seen

The construction of food crops and horticulture in East Kalimantan

Wednesday, 03/23/2022. Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hm. Aswin, MM became a guest speaker at the Meeting of Food and Horticultural Food Development in East Kalimantan which took place at the Jatra Balikpapan Hotel.

In general, Prof. Aswin in his presentation conveyed the stages of the procedures for the preparation of the RKPD in 2023, the achievements of macro indicators, and the conditions of development of the agricultural sector (in a broad sense) in East Kalimantan in 2021.

Prof. Aswin on this occasion also said that the problem of the development of agricultural and horticultural crops in East Kalimantan Province is the still low production and productivity of food crops and horticulture in the fulfillment of local food. This is indicated by the not optimal development of the agricultural area of ​​food crops, horticulture and the protection of sustainable food agricultural land; and not yet optimal institutional performance in supporting the productivity of food crops and horticulture.

he also explained that the food agriculture sector in addition to being a superior program of the governor, also directly supports SDGs/ Sustainable Development Objectives such as indicators of the prevalence of food consumption adequacy, indicators of food consumption quality, and agricultural added value divided by the number of workers in the agricultural sector.

#baped mutiled

