
Wednesday, 12 January 2022



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Debriefing of the preparation of cascading program activities sub -activities

Tuesday, 11/01/2021. As part of an effort to improve the quality of planning of East Kalimantan, Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan implement a work agenda relating to optimizing coordination between fields.


Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si led the Cascading Program/Activity/Sub-Activity/Sub-Activity Driving Activities at the Bappeda Office of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Office.


In his direction, Ms. Charmarijaty said that the current debriefing activities carried out so that in the preparation and verification of Renja and Regional Apparatus Renstra have the same perception so that the planning documents produced are more targeted and quality. "The purpose of the preparation of this cascading is so that we all have the same perception both regarding the preparation and verify the renja and regional apparatus planning," said the woman who is familiarly called Mrs. Miss.


Cascading is a process of elaborating and alignment of performance which includes goals, strategies, policy directions, priorities and performance targets.


The formulation of performance indicators is a measure of the success of the organizational strategic goals and as a measurement, reporting and evaluation of performance both in the accountability statement report (LKPJ), Regional Government Implementation Report (LPPD), as well as the Performance Accountability Report on Government Agency (LAKIP/LKJIP).

#baped mutiled

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