
Monday, 08 March 2021



721 times seen

The Provincial Government asks for the support of the Bontang DPRD regarding the fulfillment of raw water in Bontang City

Samarinda, (05/02/2021 ) . The East Kalimantan Provincial Government requested the support of the Bontang City DPRD to encourage PT. Indominco to be more pro-active related to the fulfillment of raw water in Bontang City that uses ex. Void mine.

This was conveyed at the working visit of the DPRD Commission III of Bontang City to Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province in virtual related to the Bontang City Development Program in the year 2022 and surface water.

against the use of raw water in ex. VOID MINING PT. Indominco, the East Kalimantan Province PUPR & Pera Office will conduct a Bontang City raw water balance study including the feasibility study of water potential in ex. VOID MINING PT. Indominco in 2021. This needs to be carried out because if the ex void is used as a source of raw water with a capacity of 200 liters/second by relying on rainwater, it is estimated that 2-3 years will run out, so it needs to be considered continuity. In this case, PT. Indominco also has not yet prepared a RPT (Post -Mining Plan) report.

for the fulfillment of raw water using the Marangkayu Dam Pemprov East Kalimantan through the East Kalimantan Provincial PUPR & Pera Office has carried out the Appraisal on land acquisition for the construction of the Marangkayu Dam, but is constrained by the issuance of land maps by BPN. The planned impounding phase I in October 2021 with 300 liter/second water debit service.

(Humasbandalled Non-Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)