Poverty Reduction & MDGs Rad
Samarinda, 12/01/12. As a first step in preparing for the implementation of activities in the field of human resource development, on the date January 12, 2012 conducted
This meeting was attended by SKPD related to the program/ poverty reduction activities and achievement of millennium development objectives, from the meeting conducted there are several input and suggestions submitted by the meeting participants, including :
1. span> Department of Manpower and Transmigration (Mr. Abdulah) remember that the meeting participants did not all follow the development of poverty and progress reduction from the preparation of RAD MDGs, then a team is needed to deliver the programs/activities that have been carried out so far so that participants are expected to follow carefully;
2. Community Empowerment Agency and Village Government (Mr. Surya) Making amendments to the East Kalimantan Governor Decree Number: 412/K.39/2011 concerning Formation of the Coordination Team Poverty Reduction (TKPK) of East Kalimantan Province, given that in accordance with the Minister of Home Affairs, the Head of BPMPD to become the Chairperson of the Community Empowerment Based Program Group;
3. Department of Education (Mrs. Rustinah) 4. Women's and KB Empowerment Agency (Ms. Yana) for work groups II related to education and gender in order to increase membership;
5. remembering that the MDGs RAD has been perched, the RAD is intended to be carried out to socialize to the SKPD so that later The team can conduct socialization to the district/city.
From a few suggestions and Input referred to, the decision letter both poverty and RAD MDGs will be reviewed for repair and additional membership, while for implementation The socialization for the provincial SKPD will be a priority in 2012.
to follow up from The instructions of the Governor as outlined in Ingub Number: 03 of 2011 concerning Fair Development Programs in Kalimantan Province East, each SKPD in implementing programs/activities must be combined with partiality to the community, justice for all and accelerating the achievement of MDGs. In the meeting it was also agreed that each SKPD would submit Renja in 2013 on Sunday 3 and 4 of January 2012. Data sources from the field of human resource development and were informed by Sukandar, S.Sos/Public Relations Bappeda East Kalimantan. P>