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Achievement of MDGs East Kalimantan 2015

Balikpapan, Thursday 29/10/15. Achievement of the 2015 East Kalimantan Province MDGs target is the responsibility of all stakeholders Interests include the government, the business world and the community and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan will remain committed to supporting the achievement of millennium development goals, both MDGs in 2015 and after MDGs.

While the Regency/City MDGs Secretariat has the responsibility to submit an evaluation report on the implementation of the achievement of MDGs targets to the Provincial MDGs Secretariat per semester.

This was revealed by the Assistant of People's Welfare, Drs.H. Bere Ali, M.Si representing the Governor of East Kalimantan when opening the Coordinating Meeting of Accelerating the Achievement of the 2015 East Kalimantan MDGs Target in the Le Grandeur Hotel Meeting Room in Balikpapan City was attended by participants of approximately seventy -five people from the SKPD of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government , SKPD Regency/City Government in East Kalimantan and NGO/NGO.

Background MDGs 2011 National Program 2015 includes: 1. The Millennium Declaration in September 2000 which was attended by the Unity of the Nations in New York, the Head of State and Representatives from 189 countries that agreed to carry out the purpose of the Millennium Development (Millennium Development Goals-MDGs) as a form of global concern for the welfare of the world community; < Br /> 2. MDGs are a national and global commitment in efforts to improve the welfare of the community through reducing poverty and hunger, education, women's empowerment, health, and environmental sustainability; 3. To accelerate the achievement of the MDGs target, Bappenas together with the Ministry /Institution has formulated a national road map for the acceleration of the achievement of MDGs;
4. The roadmap has been described by the regions in the form of MDG's Regional Action Plan (RAD) in 2011-2015.

The legal basis for implementing MDGs 2011-2015 includes: 1. Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2010 concerning the Acceleration of the Implementation of National Development;
2. Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2010 concerning Fair Development Program; 3. Regional Regulation Number 07 of 2014 concerning Regional Medium -Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of East Kalimantan Province 2013 2018;
4. Instructions of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 02 of 2010 concerning Economic Development of Fair and Sustainable in East Kalimantan Province;
5. Instructions of the Governor of East Kalimantan Number 03 of 2010 concerning Fair Development Programs in East Kalimantan Province;
6. East Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number 83 of 2011 concerning MDGs Regional Action Plan (RAD) in 2011 2015.

MDGs Purpose

h. Bere Ali added that when delivering the explanation that the objectives of MDGs 2011-2015 include:
1. Poverty reduction; 2. Achievement of Basic Education;
3. Gender equality; 4. Improvement of maternal and child health;
5. Reducing the prevalence of infectious diseases;
6. Environmental preservation; 7. Global cooperation.

Synergy of National & Regional Development

The Governor of East Kalimantan in his remarks delivered by the Assistant of the People's Welfare that this meeting was a follow -up to the Provincial SKPD level meeting on July 1, 2015.

Considering that the APBD as one of the important instruments in moving the regional and national economy, in addition to the importance of understanding the role of the APBD in the context of regional development also needs to align with national development policies, in this case the provinces and districts/cities.

Thus in the preparation of the R.APBD of the Provincial, Regency/City of the 2016 Fiscal Year, it is expected that regional policies and programs are in line with national policies and programs, so that the synergy between the regions and nationals in the implementation of development.

Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 52 of 2015 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of the 2016 Regional Budget Year Budget is a guideline for the Provincial and Regency Governments in preparing the 2016 Budget Year APBD which emphasizes that there is a need for synchronization of local government policies with the specified government In the 2016 Government Work Plan (RKP), this is the second year of the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) with the theme, accelerating infrastructure development to strengthen the foundation of quality development

With the main targets that must be achieved at the end of 2016, among others, namely:
1. Macro targets; 2. Targets of human and community development; 3. Targets of superior sector development; 4. Target of equity dimensions; 5. Targets of regional and inter -regional development; 6. Political, legal, defense and security target.

In accordance with the theme and main targets of the 2016 RKP, among others:
1. Economic growth is targeted to grow around 6.6 percent;
2. Inflation is targeted in the range of 3.0 percent to 5.0 percent; 3. The number of poor people ranged from 9.0 percent to 10.0 percent;
4. The open unemployment rate is estimated at 5.2 percent to 5.5 percent.
The preparation of the 2016 budget year's APBD requires synchronization of policies between the Provincial Government and the Government and between the Regency /City Government and the Government and the Provincial Government as outlined in the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD), further as outlined in the General Policy Plan APBD (KUA) and Priority Draft and Temporary Budget Ceiling (PPAS) which is mutually agreed upon between the Regional Government and DPRD. East Kalimantan will produce a fair economic development in accordance with the national development agenda to meet Nawa Cita.

To achieve quality and good financial management in accordance with the general principle of regional financial management in accordance with the provisions and laws of existing invitations, shared discipline and commitment is needed starting from planning, budgeting, management and implementation and accountability.

Therefore an adequate internal control system is needed that can be accounted for, as well as the role and function of supervision of the DPRD also affects the performance of regional financial management.

As an evaluation of the Provincial Government of the City Regency in East Kalimantan is as follows: 1. SILPA 2014 Fiscal Year can be seen as the ability to plan and budgeting after the implementation of quality APBD we can pay attention to as in the show, which displays the magnitude of each Silpa in the City of East Kalimantan 2. Submission of the 2015 APBD Draft Regional Regulation Document to be evaluated by the Governor of East Kalimantan shows the speed of discussion from RKUA, PPAS to mutual agreement can be considered in the show, for the fastest district. The acceleration of the determination of APBD regulations shows the ability of regencies /cities to work together between executives and legislatives comprehensively can also be seen in the show, for those who receive the West Kutai Regency and late Kab. East Kutai
4. The absorption of APBD in the 1st quarter of 2015 shows the effective and efficient implementation of the APBD can also be shown in the show, for the highest Kab.Kutai Kartanegara and the lowest district. BPK's opinion on 2014 financial statements, as shown

Reforming efforts are carried out both from the aspect of financial management and the performance of this organization can be seen on the hard work and joint commitment that the BPK RI opinion is obtained by the Province of East Kalimantan and 6 Regencies/Cities get a Fair Equipment Degree (WTP) and 3 districts received a fair predicate With the Exception (WDP) and 1 BPK Regency did not express opinions (TMP) for 2014, the opinion from BPK RI shows that financial management in the government environment in East Kalimantan shows changes towards a better direction compared to the previous years.

In connection with the stipulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 52 of 2015 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of the 2016 Budget Year APBD, I ask for attention to all participants who attended today to correctly take advantage of this valuable opportunity, and if there are things that are necessary Delivered to the speakers so that on this occasion it can be used as well as possible, because those present in the middle of us are speakers who understand exactly this Permendagri.

Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos