Regional and spatial development - Permenko socialization
Thursday, December 9, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province represented by the Economy and Natural Resources Fields attended the Virtual Implementation of Permenko Socialization Number 20 of 2020 concerning the Criteria and Mechanisms of Determination of Non PSN Projects (National Strategic Project) for handling social impacts in the context of the provision of land for national development-Regional East.
The event was carried out in connection with the issuance of Permenko Number 20 of 2020 and paying attention to the mandate in Article 2 of Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2018 concerning Handling Social Impacts in the Framework of Land Provision for National Development.
in his remarks and direction, Mr. Suroto said that the background of the socialization was carried out because given the importance of handling social impacts in various projects (PSN and Non PSN) and only a few applied for the determination of non PSN. Therefore it is necessary to carry out socialization activities from Permenko No. 20 of 2020 concerning Criteria and Mechanisms for Determination of National Non -Strategic Projects for Handling Social Impacts in the Framework of Providing Land for National Development, Especially for Regional Governments and BUMN/D.
#baped mutiled