
Friday, 16 December 2022



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Awards for innovating regional apparatuses

Announcement and Submission of Regional Apparatus Awards in the Provincial and Regency/City Governments in East Kalimantan


Plt. The Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the appreciation (award) to regional apparatus innovating both in the provincial and district/city governments in East Kalimantan by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the Balitbangda Prov. East Kalimantan, Wednesday (12/14/2022).


The event held at the Mercure Samarinda Hotel was opened by the Regional Secretary of the Province of East Kalimantan, Mrs. Sri Wahyuni ​​who also gave direction and appreciation to the regional apparatus innovating in the provincial and district/city governments in East Kalimantan and all the unity of the unity present.


there are 12 winners in the selection of participants in the innovation and creativity of the Provincial and Regency/City Regional Apparatus Services in East Kalimantan in 2022, which are divided into 2 categories, including the Regional Apparatus category in East Kalimantan Province and Regional Apparatus in the Regency/City Government. (List of Winners is in the link 2022)


Furthermore, there are 18 winners of the best regional apparatus in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in 2022 which are divided into 6 categories, including: SAKIP Category, Regional Financial Management, Management of Regional Property, Management of Staffing, Application of Work Culture, and Management of Dynamic Archives.


and for the overall champion of the best regional apparatus in 2022 won by the Provincial Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Office. Kaltim.


In the event, all stakeholders who attended the event listened to the presentation of several award recipients who had provided the best innovation in providing services to the community in the provincial and district/city governments in East Kalimantan, including the elements:

  1. Bapenda Prov. East Kalimantan (with e-Samsat innovation exposure in the grip of Bhabinkamtibmas);
  2. Samarinda AWS Regional Hospital (Exposure to Burning Sikadi Innovation);
  3. Disdukcapil City of Balikpapan (exposure to Balikpapan coast innovation);
  4. DPMK Mahakam Ulu Regency (Exposure to Billing Innovation - Your Hand);
  5. #baped mutiled

    #balitbang and it

    #awards of the regional devices