
Thursday, 25 August 2022



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Regency/city performance appraisal on the implementation of 8 convergence action acceleration of stunting decline in 2021

Wednesday, 08/24/2022 Heads and Government Fields and Human Development of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan held a regency/city performance appraisal agenda for the implementation of 8 (eight) convergence action accelerated stunting in 2021. The agenda was attended by the Head of Bappelitbang; Health Service Elements; Elements of the Department of Community Empowerment and Village Government; Elements of the Public Works Office and the Department of Food Crop Agriculture in PPU Regency; East Kutai; Kutai Barat and Kutai Kartanegara and Samarinda City and Balikpapan City.


Performance appraisal is carried out online through the Zoom Meeting. The remarks were made by the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan at the same time opened the event.


The assessment took place with a presentation from the regency/city KP2S team representatives and then continued with an interview session from the assessment team and the panelist team alternately per district/city. The 8 (eight) convergence actions in the district/city are situation analysis; Activity plan; Rembuk Stuntingl Perbup/Perwali on the Role of the Village; Human Development Cadres; Data management; Measurement & Publication and Review of Annual Performance.

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#Assessment of the City of City

#eighting concentration in the speed of the stunting decrease