
Tuesday, 24 August 2021



730 times seen

Assessment of the Mechanism for Financing Testing and Tracing Covid-19 for Covid-19 surveillance in Indonesia

Monday, August 23, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province along with several other provincial representatives attended the online meeting of the meeting of the assessment mechanism for financing the 19th Testing and Tracing Covid for Surveillance Covid 19 in Indonesia. This meeting was held to prepare and collect data that will be used in the analysis of the 19 -Tracing Covid Testing and Tracing Covid Implementation Study for Surveillance Covid 19 in Indonesia conducted by the Financing Policy - Health Insurance Management Faculty of Medicine - Public Health and UGM Nursing.

In its delivery, the team chaired by Dr. Dr. Andaru Dahesihdewi, M.Kes, SPPK-K said that this study was carried out in several objectives, namely reviewing procedures, procurement and financing for the 19 Test Covid with PCR and RDT antigens; map the current 19 current Covid financing arrangements; review the baseline unit cost for PCR and RDT antigens and tracing; and calculate the total costs required for the expansion of the test and tracing covid 19 per population and look for alternative financing for the PCR Test - RDT Antigens and Tracing.

Furthermore, the study team will send the Questioner Format that will be submitted to Bappeda in several areas that are the locus in the study conducted.