
Sunday, 19 December 2021



1291 times seen

Review and Inauguration of the UPTD PPI Kenyamukan Building

Review and Inauguration of the UPTD PPI Office Building in Sangatta, East Kutai Regency

continued the series of activities in the agenda of the Governor of East Kalimantan's work visit to the northern region (Samarinda - Bontang - Kutim - Berau) on the second day (Saturday, December 18, 2021), Mr. East Kalimantan Governor reviewed and inaugurated the UPTD PPI Kenyamukan office building in Sangatta East Kutai Regency. At the same time the handover of 1 unit of motorized tourist vessels, submission of uninhabitable house rehabilitation assistance for residents and the distribution of food packages with Alumni Family Association (IKA) of Mulawarman University.

This PPI building was built for licensing services and community fulfillment in the field of fisheries. This building was built with a budget of approximately 700 million.

delivered by the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Maritime and Fisheries Service said that this location still faces a number of obstacles including:

Siltation of the Port Entering the Port so that it hinders the ship to move closer to the dock; Minimal signs; The pier still has an ironwood construction and needs to be addressed; The plaster is not optimal, causing tidal floods in the surrounding region.

Mr. East Kalimantan Governor conveyed that the construction of the PPI office and the provision of assistance carried out at this time could be utilized by the community optimally. The Governor also hopes that the community can protect the environment around, as well as the development that is carried out, especially in Kenyamukan, still pay attention to environmental aspects.

Mrs. Secretary jointly in the field of fields in Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan and other members of the group also accompanied the Governor in the activity of this visit.

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