
Saturday, 29 January 2022



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Explanation of Audit Internal Archives System

Thursday, 01/27/2021. First Expert Archivist and Pranata Restoration of Bappeda Archives of East Kalimantan Province attended the explanation and distribution agenda of internal archiving instruments/questionnaires held by the East Kalimantan Province Library and Archives Office.

This agenda was attended by 8 regional apparatus in the scope of East Kalimantan Province which will be conducted an internal audit of archives, namely Bappeda, Animal Husbandry and Health Office, Atma Husada Hospital, DPKD, BKD, Balitbangda, Dispora, and BPSDM.

In this agenda, some of the things conveyed by the East Kalimantan Provincial Library and Archives Service are regarding the schedule for the internal audit of archiving will be held on the 2nd week of February to June 2022; Aspects of Assessment Instruments In the supervision of the internal archival system includes the management of dynamic archives, maintenance, depreciation, archiving resources as well as facilities and infrastructure.

#baped mutiled

#archives of the region

#archive archives