
Thursday, 06 January 2022



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Provision of infrastructure and facilities for handling waste in 2022

Wednesday, 05/01/2022. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, represented by the Head of Natural Resources and the Environment of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Agus Taswanto, ST, STRY attended the virtual implementation of the coordination meeting of infrastructure and facilities for handling waste in 2022.

The activity held by the East Kalimantan Provincial Environment Agency was also attended by representatives of Bappeda Kutim, Balitbang Kutim, DLH Kutim, East Kalimantan Adbang Bureau, East Kalimantan Economic Bureau, and East Kalimantan Environment Agency.

This coordination aims to get input from several related regional apparatuses in terms of the mechanism for providing infrastructure and facilities for handling waste especially for the East Kutai Regency.

Mr. Agus Taswanto said the importance of handling waste in an integrated manner so that it could be more optimal. The provincial government had previously and was able to provide equipment assistance to regencies/cities through a bangeu mechanism. He also appealed to need to pay close attention to SSK documents on the authority of the Provincial Government, then be able to examine the latest nomenclature about the procurement of waste infrastructure at the provincial level.

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#economy environmentaltime

#environmentalthangkaltim environment

#Handling of Sampaltim

#Handling of Kutim

#economy environmentaltime