
Wednesday, 12 October 2022



1044 times seen

Preparation of State Capital Policy Studies (IKN)

Kemenko PMK in collaboration with the Regional Welfare Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. East Kalimantan held a follow -up meeting in the context of preparing the State Capital Policy Study (IKN) in the Social and Cultural Field Hybrid at the Aston Samarinda Hotel, Wednesday (12/10/2022).


In the meeting, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan through the field of government and human development is present and actively participating in these activities.


Also present were 35 participants consisting of elements of related regional apparatus in the provincial government. East Kalimantan and Regency/City as well as the Head of the Kutai, Paser, and Dayak Customary Institutions.


Deputy for Mental Revolution Coordination, Progress of Culture and Sports Achievement, Kemenko PMK, Mr. Didik Suhardi who opened the event expects input from all stakeholders present to be able to provide suggestions and input in the improvement of the study document that is being carried out.


further conveyed, the specific objective of the study is to map the potential and problems based on suggestions and communities in the cultural and social perspective as a reference in preparing policy recommendations from the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture to the President related to the transfer of the country's capital to East Kalimantan.


The results of cultural and social-based studies will be an alternative policy that strengthens sustainable development that is able to improve the welfare of the community. The concepts and ideas contained in the academic texts and regulations regarding the Capital City of the Archipelago will be the basis of research as well as a control tool for findings and gaps at the location of the research.


#Birokesraset and TALTIM

#baped mutiled

#Preparation of Studies


