Preparation of the 2019-2023 4th Year RPJMD Evaluation Preliminary Report
Balikpapan, (17/02/2023). Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan together with the RPJMD Evaluator Team carried out the preparation of a preliminary report on the evaluation of the 4th year RPJMD 2019-2023 in the meeting room of the Berau Hotel Swiss-bel Balikpapan.
The meeting was chaired by the head of the RPJMD evaluator team, Mr. Dr. Fitriadi, SE, M.Si, discusses the systematic formulation of the presentation of preliminary reports, the formulation of issues and problems, as well as the preparation of draft reports.
This activity is carried out in accordance with the mandate of Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 86 of 2017 concerning procedures for planning, controlling and evaluating regional development. Where the head of Bappeda controls and evaluates the results of the implementation of the RPJMD periodically and reports it to the Governor.
#evaluationrpjmd2019sd2023 Tahunke4
#systematic formulation of presentation of preliminary report