
Wednesday, 18 January 2023



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Preparation of the draft RPD and Renstra PD Prov. Kaltim 2024 - 2026

Tuesday (01/17/2023) Bappeda East Kalimantan held the agenda for the preparation of the RPD and Renstra Draft PD East Kalimantan 2024-2026 in the GSCC meeting room, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan and through Zoom Meeting


The meeting was attended by Nita Yiswa, S.T., M.Sc & Ir. Augustine Sulistiyanto (Development Planning Expert and Public Policy); Plt. Head, Secretary, Head of Functional Planning Bappeda and Bappeda Technical Staff Prov. East Kalimantan


In the FGD, three agendas were held, namely the Review of Chapter II-VI RPD Design; Discussion on the elaboration of RPD Performance Architecutory (Casecading) into the Strategic Plan and Development of the PD Renstra Draft. In connection with the end of the term of office of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Kalim in 2018-2023 it will also end. For this reason, the government has disciplined the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 52 of 2022 concerning the Preparation of Regional Development Planning Documents for the Region with the term of office of the regional head ends in 2023 and the new autonomous region governing the preparation of the development plan in the transition period until the simultaneous local elections in 2024.


The preparation of the RPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2024-2026 encouraged the main target and policy direction of the RPJPD of the Province of Kalimantan Province. East Kalimantan until 2025 and RTRW of East Kalimantan Province 2016-2036. In addition, the RPD document was prepared by paying attention to: 2. Evaluation Results of the Achievement of Regional Performance Indicators of the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province in 2019-2023; 3. Strategic issues that develop; 4. National policy and 5. Applicable regulations.


#preparation of the company

#preparation of thestrapdkaltim