
Saturday, 02 April 2022



1346 times seen

Inauguration of Integrated Cancer Services RSUD Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan

Thursday, 31/03/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the Invitation Invitation Invitation to the Integrated Cancer Service Building Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan.

Mr. East Kalimantan Governor, Isran Noor gave a speech as well as inaugurating the integrated cancer service building built by Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan. He said that the cancer service facilities that are currently inaugurated will certainly be very useful, especially for people in East Kalimantan. The construction of this integrated cancer service, although it requires a small budget, is a form of commitment, concern, and great attention to the people of East Kalimantan, especially in terms of fulfilling health services.

delivered by Dr. Edi Iskandar as Director of RSUD Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo that the building that is currently inaugurated (Lavender Building) was built at a cost of approximately Rp110 billion (3 -storey building and 2 Linac units) sourced from the East Kalimantan Province APBD.

Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda who was present representing the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda also appreciated and congratulated Dr. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo who has succeeded in building the integrated cancer service and his hopes can be optimal, especially for the people of East Kalimantan.

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