
Friday, 24 February 2023



756 times seen

Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim is the resource person of PTN (ITK) synergy and the Regional Government supports the development of the IKN buffer area

Balikpapan, (02/24/2023) Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim attended the PTN (ITK) synergy agenda and the Regional Government supported the development of the IKN buffer area held by the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK) majoring in Mathematics and Information Technology in the ITK Balikpapan Integrated Laboratory Auditorium.


The presence of Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Mr. Yusliando, S.T on the agenda as a resource person by bringing material for the construction of the Capital City and the Economic Transformation of East Kalimantan. On his presentation, Mr. Yusliando conveyed that in 2022 the East Kalimantan economic structure was dominated by mining & excavation of 53.24%. With the existence of IKN, it is hoped that the economic structure will change in 2030, and so on will be more evenly distributed with the manufacturing industry by 42%, trade, hotels, restaurants 20%, mining 17%of 10%agriculture and other 11%. It is also predicted that the East Kalimantan economy will be dominated by the manufacturing sector. Predictions to increase GRDP up to 5.4 times from the current GRDP because there is an opportunity for accelerating East Kalimantan's economic transformation.


The impact that needs to be anticipated by the presence of IKN is the increase in economic inequality between IKN & the surrounding area (especially East Kalimantan); The physical widening of the city (urban sprawling) outside the IKN region, especially the growth of informal settlements, is not organized, & uninhabitable around the IKN area; Increased inequality of human resources between the IKN & the surrounding area and the exploitation of resources, environmental degradation & inclusiveness. It is expected that the role of ITK to become the center of development & empowerment of the surrounding community in order to support the development of IKN; Providing global competitive human resources to support the development & innovation of superhub economic cluster; Become an important part of the Knowledge Economy ecosystem, Research & Development, Advanced Manufacture Development, Infrastructure Development and Innovation to Increase the Environment of the Superhub Economic Cluster; Become a tertiary institution that collaborates with production/manufacturing facilities so that the results of research are relevant and can be directly applied and become a strategic partner for the government and the private sector to realize the vision of IKN development through research and development programs, cooperation with human resource development, and collaboration in industry & infrastructure development.



#Development of the Side Development Region

