Pre-Musrenbang for East Kalimantan Province in 2022
Monday, 11/04/2022. In order to discuss technical matters related to the substance that needs to be agreed upon in the Musrenbang Forum, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda is holding a Pre-Musrenbang RKPD East Kalimantan forum.
Located at the Harris Samarinda Hotel, the Pre-Musrenbang Forum was officially opened by the Regional Secretary Mrs. Sri Wahyuni and attended by ±150 people consisting of 37 Provincial Regional Apparatus, 10 Regency Bappeda/Bappelitbang/ The City together with representatives of its Regional Apparatus, as well as TGUP3 East Kalimantan Province.
In her speech, Mrs. Sri stated that in order to open up a wider space for coordination, discussion and participation, it is necessary to hold a Pre-Musrenbang forum, so that matters are technical and in-depth in the synergy process planning can be formulated better.
The Head of the PPEPD Division, Rina Juliaty, in her report said that this activity aims to discuss priority proposals from the Regency/City government which are in line with Regional Development Priorities, both within the authority of the Provincial Government , as well as Regency/City authority (Financial Assistance).
These proposals must of course be in line with regional development priorities, as well as efforts to resolve strategic issues and regional development problems that have been formulated
Ms Sri explained that one of the important substances discussed was the realignment of targets for achieving macro indicators in 2023 between Provinces and Districts/Cities, such as targets for Economic Growth Rate, Poverty Level, Unemployment Rate , Per-capita GDP, Gini Index, and LKLH, as general measures of the success of implementing a government's performance
This activity will also discuss the alignment of macro performance targets for Regency/City development in 2023, and it is hoped that the results of this discussion will become material for the formulation of the Final Draft RKPD for East Kalimantan Province for 2023. p>
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