Pre Musrenbang East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda, (21/04/2021) . In the context of preparing the Regional Government Work Plan in 2022 the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through the Regional Development Planning Agency held pre -Musrenbang activities. This activity was carried out directly at the Mercure Samarinda Hotel and online through the Zoom Meeting.
This Pre-Musrenbang was officially opened by the Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM and was attended directly by the Head of the Department of East Kalimantan Government, the Regency/City Government, and the Head of the Head of Division, the Head of the Bappeda Environmental Subdivision of East Kalimantan Province.
RKPD theme in 2022 is "Structural Reform and Strengthening Regional Competitiveness in order to welcome the IKN"
In his direction Aswin said that this forum was intended to agree on regional development issues, regional development priorities, district/city development policies, and agree on programs/activities to target from Design Renja Regional Apparatus.
Aswin explained that in the implementation of this development priority, East Kalimantan still faces risks and economic challenges such as: Recovery of global economic activity, changes in global commodity prices, successful control of Pandemic Covid 19 , recovery of the business world. and limited regional fiscal stimulus space.
"Based on the results of our estimated calculation, it is estimated that the real capacity of the East Kalimantan Province funding in the year 2022 ranges from Rp. 1.97 T, the lack of this fiscla space that needs to be followed up with a smart shopping strategy plan, "said Aswin
Aswin also conveyed several strategies recovery of the economic of East Kalimantan , acceleration of the tourism sector, economic recovery through MSMEs and fiscal expansion and maintaining economic stability Food.
"with this strategic it is expected that the rate of economic growth of East Kalimantan will rise again so that efforts to increase the competitiveness of the area span> in welcoming IKN can be realized, "he said.
(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos) >