
Wednesday, 09 February 2022



1586 times seen

Pre Rakortekbang Year 2022

In the context of preparation for the Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) in 2022 the Ministry of Home Affairs held a Pre-Rakortekrenbang Meeting in 2022.

This activity was opened by Plt. Director General of Regional Development Development Dr. Sugeng Hariyono in his direction he said the Rakortekrenbang was intended to confirm the national program, location readiness and priority program targets and ensure regional support in achieving national priority development targets.

Director of the Directorate General of PEIPD Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs Drs. Nyoto Suwigno, MM in his presentation explained the approach of the Rakortekrenbang will later use two kinds of desk, namely the desk and regional desk. Mr. Nyoto explained that the desk of the affairs was intended to discuss the Regional Work Plan contained in the RKPD in an effort to achieve national performance targets while the regional desk was intended to discuss the achievement of macro indicator targets and discussion of technical proposals to national priorities and major projects.

Planned implementation of the Rakortekrenbang followed by all ministries/institutions and 34 provinces carried out hybird (face to face and virtual) with the implementation of 36 desk affairs and 4 regional desks.

there are three formats of the substance of the discussion of the Rakortekrenbang, namely the first target of affairs performance intended to discuss the work plan (sub-activities) of the area contained in the RKPD/Renja PD; Both targets of macro indicators are intended to discuss central and regional strategies and actions on the achievement of macro development indicators; The three regional proposals to national priorities are intended to discuss technical proposals and regional technical support for programs/activities in accordance with the theme of national priority.

#Ministry of Home Affairs


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#Planning for Development of Callets