
Friday, 29 January 2021



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The LLAJ Implementation Program and Shipping Program will be a priority for 2021

samarinda, (01/27/2021). with the 2019-2023 East Kalimantan RPJMD with a budget of Rp. 29.4 billion.

This was sampled by the Head of Transportation Infrastructure Dedy Pudja Wardana, ST in his report to the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda when participating Together with the Governor Team to Accelerate Development (TGUP3) in the Repetada Meeting Room.

The meeting led by Mr. Adi Bukhari was attended by ± 20 participants consisting of elements of TGUP3, Bappeda in the field of infrastructure in the Award & Transportation Transportation Agency, and Dishub Shipping Division and Staff of the East Kalimantan Provincial Transportation Agency.

In this activity it was stated that the Department of Transportation is expected to focus on carrying out the main tasks of the Transportation Sector Service Function in accordance with the authority of the region which refers to Law 23 of 2004 and Permendagri 90 in 2019.

In the process of planning activities in the transportation sector, it is expected that the Transportation Agency is expected to have activities that have readiness in readines s Criteria (planning documents, environmental and land documents) as well as which has an annoying power of achieving the RPJMD target and can increase regional income.

(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)