
Thursday, 04 November 2021



850 times seen

GWPP device coordination meeting

Monday, November 1, 2021. As a representative of the Central Government in the Governor of East Kalimantan hopes to receive central attention, especially in terms of financial balance, especially for regions producing natural resources and contributors to state revenue.

This was conveyed by the Governor in his remarks at the opening of the Governor's Device Coordination Meeting as a representative of the Central Government with the theme "Increasing Governor's Performance Achievement as Representative of the Central Government".

The purpose of the Governor's performance appraisal is to provide standard performance appraisal of the Governor as a representative of the central government in carrying out 46 tasks and authority in accordance with statutory regulations.

Assessment of performance success is carried out in two ways, first internally, the governor's performance index based on the internal assessment of the Ministry of Home Affairs compiled with the Secretariat; Both externally, namely assessment based on the level of satisfaction of the object of the Beneficiary Task and Authority of GWPP (Regency/City).

present as the resource person Dr. Prabawa Eko Soesanta, S. Sos, M.Sc from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Dr. Isradi Zainal, Ir., MT., MH., MM., Dess., IPU., Aean Eng as the Chancellor of Balikpapan University, moderated by Hj. ARDININGSIH.

The extent to which the results of our activities from the implementation of the TP Decon Budget and others, can be followed up on one of the laws of the Law.