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East Kalimantan Priority Program Coordination Meeting Determine the 2018 Policy Direction

Samarinda, 29/3/2017. The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through the Regional Development Planning Agency held a Coordination Meeting of Priority Programs in 2018 in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Poldas Meeting Room Jl. Kusuma Bangsa Number 2 Samarinda was attended by participants of approximately two hundred people from the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD and all regional apparatus scope of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

The implementation of the 2018 East Kalimantan priority program coordination program is a very strategic forum and can determine the direction of policies and development that lead to the determination of the 2018 regional development priority program. Today's meeting is the finalization of a series of priority program discussions that have been carried out from 22 to 22 to with March 27 by the Bappeda Planning Division of East Kalimantan Province with each regional apparatus, through the application of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD).
This was expressed by the Assistant II of the Economy and Development Administration Ir.H.ichwansyah, MM representing the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province accompanied by the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Dr.Ir.H. Zairin Zain, M.Sc when opening the East Kalimantan Priority Program Coordination Meeting in 2018.

In his remarks the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province read by the Assistant of Economy and Development Administration said that the 2018 RKPD was the last year of the 2013 RPJMD implementation year- 2018 with the vision of "Kaltim Sejahtera that is equitable and fair based on agro -industry and environmentally friendly energy" under the leadership of Mr. Awang Faroek Ishak. In the long -term planning phase, the 20132018 RPJMD is a stage of building a basic foundation towards the transformation of the regional economic structure with the vision of building the economic structure of the region that is in the processing of reward natural resources.
The results of the evaluation of the implementation of the 3rd year RPJMD, namely 2016, showed that when viewed from the performance of 19 RPJMD Target East Kalimantan the achievements were 'quite good', of which as many as 54.62% of the RPJMD target had been achieved. Furthermore, when viewed from 119 priority programs, the achievement is 73.68% on track; 15.79% on-going; and 10.53% offtrack. This shows that what we do is mostly leading to what is the target of the region.

With the theme "Strengthening the Economy of the Community Towards Fair and Equitable Welfare" RKPD East Kalimantan in 2018 implies that regional development prioritizes programs that lead to improving the welfare of the community in a fair and equitable manner. This needs to be the focus of our common attention so that the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan RPJMD vision can be realized.
Theme of RKPD in 2018 implies that regional economic development is directed at the optimization and integration of development expenditure both sourced from government, private and community spending in encouraging the improvement of the economy of the community which has a direct impact in reducing poverty and unemployment rates.
With the integration of government, private and community spending, it is hoped that the quality of economic growth of East Kalimantan will be better, where directly economic activities are expected to improve the welfare of the community and reduce poverty and unemployment. One way that can be done is to carry out community partnerships with big businesses that support the economy of East Kalimantan.
When looking at the GRDP based on expenditure in 2016, the economy of East Kalimantan was supported by the net export component of 57.51%, investment of 24.63%, and household consumption of 14.85%. This growth support structure is very vulnerable to commodity price turmoil and economic conditions outside East Kalimantan.
By paying attention to the structure of the regional economy, the concepts and strategies of developing 8 strategic areas that have been outlined in the 2013-2018 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD need to be further strengthened to obtain added value from each commodity produced. The comparative advantages of each region need to be supported by government spending focused on increasing the competitiveness of investment in each region.
As we know, that the financial condition of the Province of East Kalimantan in the past few years has continued to experience "decline". If we look at the trend, from 2013 to 2017 the revenue budget drops by 3.4 trillion. While the budget from 2013 to 2017 has decreased by 7.1 trillion.
In addition to the decline in world commodity prices, a decrease in profit sharing funds that contribute more than 45% of the revenue budget also affect the East Kalimantan fiscal capability. Even the low realization of APBD revenue resulted in East Kalimantan experiencing a budget deficit, which required the delay of several direct government shopping posts, such as in 2016, with a delay of 35%.
Various problems that we face, such as: regional economic dependence on world commodity prices, uncertainty of central fund transfer policies to the regions, as well as changes in regulations that affect authority and institutions, requires us to look back at regional development priority programs to then be adjusted to the regional fiscal capabilities.
This condition eventually "forced" the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to revise the target of the 2013 - 2018 RPJMD, from previously 119 priority programs to 29 priority programs.
Selection of 29 Priority Programs itself is carried out with an approach to programs that are considered to have direct leaving power in solving problems, such as: Quality Improvement Programs of Educators and Education Personnel, Ease of Services and Permit Acceleration Programs, Development Program Electricity, Food Crop Agricultural Production Improvement Program, Toll Road Development Program, Regional Isolation Opening Program, and others. That is, the programs that we plan in RKPD 2018 must be in the corridor of efforts to support the achievement of targets and targets of the 29 priority programs.
For us to know together, that the real capacity of the regional finances of East Kalimantan Province for 2018 is estimated to be "only" of ± 224 billion. Or decreased by 426 billion from the real capacity in 2017 which amounted to ± 650 billion. With a budget that is projected more or less the same as 2017 of 8 trillion, the expenditure burden that must be financed by the provincial government has increased sharply.
some of the compulsory and binding spending which is quite a lot of "sucking" the proportion of the budget in 2018, namely: Completion of Multi Years Contract Projects, amounting to ± 1.5 trillion and the cost of implementation ± elections of ± 400 Billion. I believe that Bappeda has worked hard to divide this limited budget to each regional apparatus organization in accordance with their needs.
For this matter, I ask every regional apparatus to accept this condition, and can really use the funds available effectively, efficiently, carefully, and wisely , while supporting efforts to achieve the targets of priority programs that have been declared.
certainly not an easy task, but with the capabilities possessed by colleagues, as well as with all of our work, I am sure this challenge can be completed well.
I need to emphasize, that the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan greatly avoids debt policy in budgeting. Therefore, we must all be able to make breakthroughs in terms of creating activities that are able to generate sources of development financing so that they do not continue to depend on funding sources from the center or debt.
For example the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through Bappeda and the ESDM Office on February 23-24 has synchronized the Community Empowerment Program (PPM) in the Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities with the 2017 Provincial Government Program. 52 Mineral and coal mining companies in East Kalimantan have delivered as many as 518 ppm scattered in the district/city with a total of Rp. 158.510 billion.
The planned programs are scholarship programs, agricultural seed assistance, school rehabilitation, irrigation development and others. It is hoped that the PPM funds can be a stimulus for sources of regional development financing in achieving provincial and district/city development targets.
Through this coordination meeting I hope that there will be at least 4 (four) main substances that can be agreed upon by all regional apparatus organizations in the preparation of the 2018 RKPD, namely: (1) Budget Ceiling Plan; (2) performance targets; (3) specific locations, and (4) types of shopping; from each priority program. The results of this meeting will then become an important input in the synchronization and synergy process between the provincial priority program and the regency/city RKPD Musrenbang results in the regional apparatus forum that will be planned to be held this afternoon until tomorrow.
At the end of his remarks the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary said that as the output of this activity, I asked for the Minutes of Verification of the Regional Apparatus Work Plan Draft in 2018, which was accompanied by an attachment to the 2018 Regional Apparatus Program /Activity Plan Matrix. The event was signed by officials in the field of Bappeda in East Kalimantan Province and officials from each regional apparatus concerned. In addition, I asked for the minutes of the priority program agreement signed by the Head of Bappeda, the Regional Secretary and representatives of the Head of the Regional Apparatus.
(Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province /Sukandar, S. Sos).