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Rakorda Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in East Kalimantan in 2022

Wednesday, 03/16/2022. Field of Government and Human Development. Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the agenda of the Regional Coordination Meeting of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in East Kalimantan in 2022. The meeting was carried out in the framework of: Discussing the steps and strategies for preventing and handling the criminal acts of trafficking/human trafficking welcoming the Capital City (IKN) in Prov. East Kalimantan

there are 4 (four) speakers at the meeting. Exposure from PHP Deputy Ministry of PPPA Mrs. Ratna Susianawati, SH. MH. regarding the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO); Exposure from the main editor of East Kalimantan Post Bpk Thomas Dwi Priyandoko regarding the role of the media in publishing the prevention and handling of trafficking criminal acts; Exposure from the Regional Office of the East Kalimantan Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding the Prevention and Handling of Criminal Act of Trafficking/Trafficking Welcoming IKN; Exposure from the East Kalimantan Regional Police from Bpk. Kompol Achadianto, SH. MH. regarding the police efforts in law enforcement of the Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO)

In an effort to eradicate trafficking in person based on Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons, which aspects of prevention are a significant part besides the aspects of protection or social handling, punishment and integration process to the community. Likewise with the aspect of punishment, in addition to functioning for action against the perpetrators also contributed to efforts to prevent trafficking in people. Seeing from a fairly severe penalty, ideally Law Number 21 Year 2007 concerning Eradication of Criminal Act of Trafficking in Persons can prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of trafficking in persons. However, the phenomenon that occurs related to the practice of criminal acts of trafficking in people is actually increasingly widespread. Strategies in handling TPPO prefix through providing information and socialization to spread information about the practice of trafficking in people and their impact.

crucial problems in order to eradicate the criminal offenses of trafficking or trafficking, among others, due to patriarchal culture that still positions women are not equivalent to men; Poverty and opportunities for a career for women are still very limited; Paradigm of intellectuality/professionalism of women has not been considered equivalent to men; Women are still considered as subordinations in the family. In certain cases, in society there is still a culture of shame or taboo reporting harsh treatment from the husband to his wife, children and women in their environment and so forth.

In order to combat the practice of trafficking it is necessary to understand and gather the same perception of its elements and characteristics. Trafficking is an activity or action to exploit individual or more individuals, with or without the approval of the victim, to obtain profit both material and immaterial. As material together with all parties in welcoming IKN in Prov. East Kalimantan. To be effective and efficient efforts to handle trafficking trafficking crime, the urgens thing that must be done is synergizing the existing potential, namely to socialize and motivate the role of various parties so that it is concerned with the dangers of trafficking crime. Law enforcement is not the duty and obligation of the TPPO team, police, prosecutors and judges, but is also an obligation and rights of the community.

Efforts to handle criminal acts of trafficking or trafficking require a structured, measured and cross-program and cross-sectoral strategy between the government (law enforcement) and the community. Synergy The role of government formally with the community as stakeholders in preventing trafficking crime is a necessity that cannot be negotiable. Please note that in the word strategy contains 2 meanings that are operational in nature. First, it is an activity to mobilize something, for example potential or power/strength and so forth. Second, the act of directing the potential or power/strength to face and or achieve something planned. Meanwhile, the word handling in accordance with the contents of Article 57 paragraph (2) of the UU-PTPPO includes monitoring, strengthening and increasing the ability of law enforcement officials and other stakeholders. First emphasized on preventive or preventive act. Both acts of handling or repressive. There are still many cases of TPPO tucked with migrant workers and Indonesian workers. It must be ascertained by clear documents and employment contracts even though they are victims of human trafficking

Handling of TPPO cases is complex, where handling it requires comprehensive mapping. The synergy of the provincial government is needed, and the TPPO task force team, as well as the community.

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