
Friday, 22 July 2022



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National Coordination Meeting One Employment Data in 2022

Staff of the Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Data and Information Sub-Staff attended the National Coordination Meeting One Labor Data at The Trans Resort Hotel Bali, Thursday (07/21/2022).


This activity was organized by the Ministry of Manpower in order to realize the integration of planning, implementing, evaluating and controlling labor development that is compromised and sustainable.


was opened by the Minister of Manpower Mrs. Ida Fauziyah, this coordination was intended to build central and regional program synergy in the implementation of one Indonesian data (SDI) in the field of employment.


According to Permenaker number 15 of 2020, one employment data is a government data management policy in the employment sector to produce accurate, up-to-date, integrated and accountable employment data. And easily accessible and divided.


Head of the Ministry of Manpower Planning and Employment Development Agency said the results of this National Coordination Meeting are expected to be able to equalize the perception between the central and regional governments in the application of the principles of one data that has been compiled and ratified in the Ministry of Manpower, and introduction to the portal application of one labor data


Integrated employment data system was built with a governance approach of all regional government and multistakeholders. This step requires a system & depends on the readiness of the region. The initial stage in the synergy of labor data is by identifying data requirements and making employment statistics frameworks at the central to regional levels.


Employment data produced by manpower manufacturers must be in accordance with the principle of one Indonesian data, namely meeting data standards; have metadata; meet the rules of data interoperability; and use the reference code and/or parent data.


#baped mutiled

#PermenakerNo15 Tahun 2020

#Meeting coordinasinasationalSatakatake Pabor

#synergy program

#Implement of Indonesia