Tuesday, 01 December 2020
Rakortek Water Resources in East Kalimantan Province 2017
Balikpapan, 05/23/2017. Expert Staff for Natural Resources, Economy & Welfare, Ir. Muhammad Sa'bani M.Sc representing the Governor of East Kalimantan opened the Water Resources Technical Coordination Meeting in East Kalimantan Province with the theme "The Synergy of the Authority of Water Resources Management of East Kalimantan Province" in the Le Grandeur Hotel Meeting Room Balikpapan Hotel was attended by approximately seventy -five participants originating from Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Regency/City Bappeda in East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Province Public Works Office and Regency/City Public Works Office in East Kalimantan and are also resumed from the Ministry of Public Works and Regional Office of Public Works of East Kalimantan Province.
in his remarks the Governor of East Kalimantan delivered by the BID expert staff. Natural Resources, Economy & Welfare, Ir. Muhammad Sa'bani M.Sc said that the importance of water resources for the survival of living things on this earth, not only for humans but also for other living creatures. The existence of water is so important that we must be able to maintain it well involving all sectors or stakeholders including maintaining environmental sustainability, maintaining forests and maintaining river flow. General of East Kalimantan Province together with the Ministry of Public Works, which began with the Jaden regional dance as a sign of receiving the invitation that was present then continued with reading prayers from the Ministry of Religion of the City of Balikpapan, followed by the report on the implementation of the Rakortek Water Resources of East Kalimantan Province and then delivery of remarks by the Head The Public Work Service represented by the Head of the Division of Ir. Pamungkas. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).