
Sunday, 01 May 2022



703 times seen

FKRP2RK Working Group Meeting in Kalimantan

Bappeda Planning Field Prov. Kaltim attended the FKRP2RK Working Group Desk Meeting in Kalimantan which was attended by Bappeda and Bappeda & Research and Development throughout Kalimantan through Zoom Meeting, Friday (22/04/2022).


Bappeda East Kalimantan approved the proposal regarding the Regional Musrenbang Meeting which was delayed on April 25, 2022 and will be held after the Idul Fitri holiday offline. The Regional Musrenbang was carried out to convey the aspirations to advance Kalimantan. The meeting was divided into 4 (four) Working Group desks namely Desk 1: Infrastructure and Regional Border (Person in Charge: Bappeda Kaltim); Desk 2: Economy (Responsible: Bappeda & Research and Development of North Kalimantan); Desk 3: HR and Government (Responsible: Central Kalimantan); Desk 4: Environment and Energy (Responsible: West Kalimantan).


In desk 1-infrastructure and regional border, South Kalimantan Bappeda proposed disaster control infrastructure should be a priority. West Kalimantan Bappeda emphasizes the priority of road and bridge connectivity that is not yet good between provinces and districts. Central Kalimantan Bappeda focuses on infrastructure that can support strategic areas that have a national and regional impact. Such as disaster management, inter -regional road connectivity, telecommunications and roads for trains. Head of Infrastructure Bappeda Kaltim - Saur Parsaoran T, S.Pi, Memd. Responding to the possibility of the implementation of the train is still classified as difficult but from various inputs, the train plan needs to be encouraged.


Head of Infrastructure Bappeda East Kalimantan proposes that the number of infrastructure proposals is recommended no more than 10 proposals / provinces because they are aware of the national fiscal capacity in limited. Head of Sub -Division of Planning and Funding - Alfino Rinaldi Arief, ST, M.E. Added, in addition to the criteria and number of proposals, the importance of a strategy to adjust the national planning cycle.

#baped mutiled

#Planning for Development of Callets
