LKPJ finalization meeting 2020 Governor of East Kalimantan
In the context of preparing the Accountability Report (LKPJ) of the Governor of East Kalimantan Year 2020 then the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a finalization meeting for the preparation of LKPJ Governor of East Kalimantan online through Zoom Meeting.
This activity is opened by Head of Government and Human Development of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province and attended by all regional apparatuses in the environment of East Kalimantan Province including Hospital and Hospitals Soul.
Head of PPM Division Hariyo Santoso opened a meeting to prepare the finalization of the Governor's LKPJ
This finalization is carried out through Mechanisms of group discussion per each chapter with break rooms and each regional apparatus has prepared data on the implementation of programs/activities in 2020, LKJIP and reports reports APBN Achievement Dekon/TP.
Head of Development Planning Division and Control of Charmarijaty, ST. M.Si says Regional Apparatus that implements APBN Funds sourced in the 2020 deconcentration, namely 16 regional apparatuses and assistance tasks as many as 6 regional apparatuses in order to re-correct the total Budget and realization of its achievements along with problems and solutions to activities.
the results of this finalization later it will be compiled by the team and immediately disam (Humasbapandalaltim/FAT/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)