Meeting results of evaluating the implementation of performance accountability and bureaucratic reform of the provincial/district/city government agencies (Sakip & RB Award) in 2021
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through government and human development attended the coordination meeting related to the results of the evaluation of the performance accountability and reform of the Bureaucracy of Provincial/Regency/City Government Agencies in 2021 which was carried out in the Secretary Meeting Room of the Regional Secretary. Kaltim, Tuesday 05/04/2022.
Meeting led directly by the Secretary of Prov. Kaltim, Dra. Sri Wahyuni, M.PP was attended by leaders and relevant OPD representatives, such as the Provincial Bappeda, Organizational Bureau, and Regional Inspectorate of East Kalimantan Province.
The meeting began by attending virtual jointly "Submission of Evaluation of the Evaluation of Performance Accountability and Bureaucratic Reform of Provincial/Regency/City Government Agency for 2021" or in short called "Sakip - RB Award 2021" organized by the PANRB Ministry.
"Submission of the results of the evaluation of" Sakip - RB Award 2021 "was carried out as a form of appreciation and appreciation to government agencies that have been able to show various changes and innovations in their governance", said the Deputy for Bureaucracy Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Ministry of PAN -RB Erwan Purwanto.
It was also explained that every year the Ministry of PAN RB through the Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision Conduct SAKIP -RB evaluation which aims to ensure the advancement of SAKIP - RB implementation and provide suggestions for all Ministries/Institutions (K/L), Provincial/Regency/City Government.
In 2021, a series of evaluations had been carried out in 79 K/L, 34 Provinces, 494 Regency/City for Evaluation (SAKIP) and 442 Regency/City for Evaluation (RB).
Secretary of Kemenpanrb, Ms. Rini Widiantini accompanied by Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Ministry of PANRB, Mr. Erwan Agus Purwanto handed over Sakip & RB Award 2021 symbolically to DKI Jakarta Province ( (with the predicate b).
After watching Sakip & RB Award 2021, East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary coordinates and several SAKIP & RB evaluations for East Kalimantan Province along with other regional apparatus representatives.
"In the near future after the Provincial Musrenbang implementation on April 20, 2022, I hope a coordinated coordination meeting can be held by the Organization Bureau to be able to present all regional apparatus heads in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to build synergy and commitment of leaders in joint efforts in increasing the achievement and target of the success of development in East Kalimantan Province"