
Thursday, 08 September 2022



680 kali dilihat

Readiness Meeting for East Kalimantan Construction Workers as Local Communities in Implementing IKN Development

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, through the Infrastructure and Regional Sector, attended the Socialization on the Organizing of Construction Labor which was carried out by the Provincial PUPR-PERA Service. East Kalimantan at the Bumi Senyiur Hotel Samarinda, Thursday (08/09/2022).


Starting the socialization event, the Head of the Provincial PUPR-PERA Service. East Kalimantan, Mr AM. Fitra Firnanda, ST, MM in her speech said that the involvement of local communities in IKN development is important.


“In developing IKN it is necessary to involve local communities. "However, in its development, it is felt necessary for local communities to receive information and socialization about how the construction workforce is managed in the construction of IKN," he said.


Furthermore, in this event, apart from accommodating aspirations and suggestions from all stakeholders and mass organizations, it is also aimed at socializing the management of construction workers in the construction of IKN.


The event was opened by Plt. Provincial Secretary East Kalimantan, Mr. Riza Indra Riadi, was attended by 178 participants consisting of elements from the Provincial Forkopimda. East Kalimantan, Nusantara Capital Authority Agency, Director General of Construction Development of the Ministry of PUPR, Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Region V Banjarmasin Construction Services Center, related Regional Apparatus within the Province. East Kalimantan and Districts/Cities, Business Entity Associations, Professional Associations and Mass Organizations within the Province of East Kalimantan and Districts/Cities.


In his speech and direction on behalf of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr. Riza really appreciated the socialization of construction worker training. It is hoped that these efforts can encourage the readiness of the East Kalimantan construction workforce as a local community in carrying out the development of the Indonesian capital city.


“Based on BPS data for 2021, out of the population of East Kalimantan which reaches 3.8 million people, there are 99,993 people working in the construction labor sector. Of this number, 34,257 people have been certified and there are still 65,439 people or 64.64% of the construction workforce who have not been certified. "Therefore, it is important to encourage recruitment and certification of construction workers in order to prepare them for competent and competitive work," he explained.





#capital of the archipelago


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