
Monday, 23 August 2021



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Balikpapan City RPJMD Ranwal Consultation Meeting in 2021-2026

Consultation Meeting Ranwal RPJMD Balikpapan City 2021 - 2026

Following up on the Balikpapan Mayor's Letter regarding the initial Draft Consultation of the Balikpapan City RPJMD in 2021-2026, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda facilitates the consultation.

delivered by Bappelitbang City of Balikpapan several priority programs of the Mayor of 2021-2026, namely the Government Bureaucracy that served was not served; The whole community is 100% gaining access to drinking water; No school -age children do not attend school, improving the quality of education; The target has skills and capital to be independent, the realization of Balikpapan as a comfortable city is inhabited for everyone; Balikpapan Flood Free; Creating a market that encourages improving the quality of human resources; Contribution of Perusda to PAD.

there are problems in determining the priority program of the city of Balikpapan, namely in the field of education including the limitations of the formation of ASN acceptance, especially educators, there are still teachers who have not been certified, the scope of the availability of educational facilities, and others; In the field of health, among others, the access to knowledge and information is not evenly distributed related to the handling of pregnant women, the efforts are not yet optimal efforts to reduce infant mortality rates, uneven distribution of health human resources, still high anhka infectious diseases, etc; in the warehouse of public works and spatial planning, as is not yet optimal in data management, there is no information system for supervision and control of spatial use; and some problems in the field of public housing and settlement areas.

there are several inputs including related to social, education, spatial, health, health and other in writing.

The results of this consultation will be issued by the Governor's Letter as the basis of the City of Balikpapan to carry out the Draft RPJMD 2021-2026.