Saturday, 19 February 2022
Coordination Meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs
Thursday, 02/16/2022. Secretary of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province, Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province was present at the "Coordination Meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs" which was held at the Balikpapan Mayor's office.
This meeting was attended by the Minister of Home Affairs and the ranks of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Governor of East Kalimantan, Regional Heads (representing) IKN partners including Paser, Penajam Paser Utara, Kutai Kartanegara, Balikpapan, as well as the Chair of the DPRD East Kalimantan, Paser, Kukar, Paser and PPU. Meanwhile, Regional Apparatus from the provincial scope was attended by Bappeda and the PUPR Service of East Kalimantan Province.
This meeting is the initial agenda carried out in the process of drafting Government Regulations (PP) which are a derivative of the implementation of the National Capital Law (UU IKN). The Ministry of Home Affairs was given the task of being the person responsible (lead) for the preparation of the PP, and has formed a team for drafting the PP derived from the IKN Law, chaired by Dr. Drs. Safrizal, Z.A., M.Si (Director General of Regional Administration Development, Ministry of Home Affairs). After this meeting, a follow-up meeting agenda will be held for a more detailed discussion regarding the preparation of the PP derived from the IKN Law.
The Governor of East Kalimantan (H. Isran Noor) said in his speech that all regions in East Kalimantan Province, especially the buffer/surrounding areas of IKN, strongly support the presence of IKN in East Kalimantan. Conditions in East Kalimantan are currently still relatively conducive after the enactment of the IKN Law last January. He hopes that on the occasion of this coordination meeting, the Minister of Home Affairs can provide direction for the progress of East Kalimantan in relation to the presence of this IKN.
The event continued with a presentation and direction from the Minister of Home Affairs (Mr. Tito Karnavian) to all meeting participants. It was stated that the purpose of holding this coordination meeting was to accelerate the preparation of a PP derived from the IKN Law with the Ministry of Home Affairs as the Lead. Furthermore, he said that IKN is an opportunity that must be utilized for the people of East Kalimantan in particular and Indonesia in general. It is hoped that all regions in East Kalimantan will prepare a grand design for the short, medium and long term in order to capture opportunities for the presence of IKN for the progress of their respective regions. It is also important to carry out innovations related to opening up investment opportunities in East Kalimantan.
On this occasion, he also asked for various input and views from all the Regional Heads of IKN partners who were present, especially in relation to optimizing the implementation of IKN development so that they could then become input in preparing the PP and could be submitted to Mr President. Several things that can be summarized through the presentation of a number of Regional Heads (representatives) include the need to pay attention to the condition of supporting infrastructure, especially related to inter-regional connectivity, flood problems, traffic jams, social, educational and health problems that are still faced by the people of East Kalimantan. A number of Regional Heads (representatives) also expressed their support for the presence of IKN and were ready to seize every opportunity that existed.
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