
Tuesday, 07 March 2023



716 times seen

East Kalimantan Province BPSDM Coordination Meeting

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the field of government and human development attended the coordination meeting between BPSDM East Kalimantan Prov and all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in the East Kalimantan Provincial Office, BKPP, BKPPD, and BKPSDM Regency/City throughout East Kalimant (06/03/2023).


In the report on the organizing committee of the activity submitted by the Head of BPSDM East Kalimantan, Mrs. Dra. Nina Dewi M.AP. It was conveyed that this activity was carried out in the framework of implementing the development of ASN human resource competencies in East Kalimantan which is systematic, comprehensive and integrated, both ASN in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City.


Furthermore, the General Administration Assistant of East Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat, Mr. Ir. Riza Indra Riadi, M.Sc. In his remarks as well as opening the coordination meeting, hoping that through this coordination meeting there will be good cooperation that is organized, integrated, and with the same perception to achieve the same goals in accordance with the vision and mission carried out by BPSDM East Kalimantan.


In addition, through this coordination meeting it is hoped that it can strengthen the role of BPSDM East Kalimantan and Regency/City in the implementation of competency development and certification of ASN HR that have morals and increase synergy and synchronization between BPSDM East Kalimantan, BKPP, BKPPD, and BKPSDM regencies/cities in East Kalimantan.


As for those present as speakers in the coordination meeting, it consists of elements of RI LAN, Menpan RB RI, BPSDM Ministry of Home Affairs, Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan, and BPSDM East Java Prov.


#government and human development 2023


#Development of CompetenciesDMASNKALTIM