
Friday, 17 June 2022



664 times seen

Regional Service Center Service Center Coordination Meeting for Information and Documentation Management Officials (PPID) of East Kalimantan Province

In order to improve the quality and quality of the PPID service of the Regional Secretariat of the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat held a Regional Service Center for Information Service Center for Information and Documentation (PPID) -

This activity was attended by the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Subdivision, Mr. Arbainsy and PPID teams, and PPID officials from the Regional Apparatus of the East Kalimantan Prov.


present as the resource person of the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Diskominfo Mr. H. Muhammad Faisal, S. Sos, M.Sc, in his presentation he explained that PPID functions as a manager and a document delivery owned by the Public Agency in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure. With the existence of PPID, the community submits an application for information more easily.


Mr. Faisal said that every regional apparatus must carry out PPID because it has a juridical foundation, "there is no reason not to carry out PPID because the juridical foundation is complete starting from the KIP, Perki, Perda, Pergub, Governor's Decree, to the Secretary Decree" he explained.


Furthermore, the important point in this meeting is first, strengthening the understanding of Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) of the Law. Per ki and existing regulations about KIP; Second, making the PPID portal as the door to the information managed by all OPD / Agencies: Third running monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the PPID / PPID implementing or internal respectively: Four carry out the duties and functions of each manager according to the existing Decree: and ensure that PPID understands the sanctions imposed on Law No. 14 of 2008.

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