
Wednesday, 09 November 2022



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The Coordination Meeting prepares a Regional Development Plan (RPD) document in 2024-2026

In the framework of preparing the Regional Development Plan (RPD) Document (RPD) in 2024-2026 Bappeda Prov.Kaltim held a consolidation meeting on November 8, 2022 at the Swiss-Bel Balikpapan Hotel.


This meeting was chaired by the Acting Head of Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Mr. Yusliando accompanied by the Head of PPEPD Mrs. Rina Juliaty, and was attended by the Secretary of Bappeda Prov.Kaltim, Head of Planning for Bappeda Prov.Kaltim, all functional Functional Planners, and technical staff.


by presenting speakers of the experts in the planning and policy of Ms. Nita Yiswara, ST. M.Si This meeting discussed several agendas including stages, strategies and methods for the preparation of RPD; Scope of work and target of acceleration of output in 2022; Identification of the required data and initial observation of regional conditions.


In her presentation Ms. Nita explained a number of things that were concerned about the preparation of programs, activities, and sub-activities in the RPD and PD Renstra, namely the alignment of the National Priority Program in the 2020-2024 RPJMN; Evaluation of the results of performance achievements, objectives and outcomes (outcomes) of the Renstra PD respectively through evaluating the achievements of RKPD or Renja PD until 2022; Evaluation of output contributions (output) of all activities/sub -activities until 2022 in the achievement of outcomes; Strategic issues related to the fields of affairs and main tasks and functions of regional apparatuses; National policy; Applicable regulations; and suggestions and/or input from regional development stakeholders.


As RPD information is a RPJMD transition document that will be a guideline for PJ. Regional Head in the administration of government and regional development in 2024-2026 as mandated by Law Number 10 of 2016, one of which is the election of the regional head simultaneously nationally in 2024.

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#Document Planning

#documentrpdtah 2024sd2026