Saturday, 19 February 2022
Coordination Meeting of Implementation of Industry Affairs
Wednesday, 02/16/2022. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province represented by the Economy and Natural Resources Fields Attending the Implementation of "Coordination Meeting of Implementation of Industry Affairs".
The meeting was held in the framework of coordination and alignment of performance, indicators, units and activities of the implementation of the affairs of each sub-activity in the field of Industry in Permendagri No. 90 of 2019 concerning Classification, Codeification, and Nomenclature of Regional Development and Finance Planning
The current challenges of industrial development that occur in almost all regions are; Lack of raw materials and industrial supporting materials, infrastructure conditions that are still inadequate, there is still a lack of supporting utility of industry, as well as lack of skill experts, supervisors and superintendants, the pressure of imported products, still not built the database of the industrial sector, the industrial logistics, various problems that occur in the IKM in the regions, and industrial waste as B3 waste with very tight specifications.
The role of local governments is very important and vital in which local governments as the main actor in industrial development in the region and in order to realize this requires a consistency and synchronization between the national target of the regional people to the activities carried out up to the local government level
In industrial development it is inseparable from coordination, integration, consistency and national and regional policies, so that industrial development can be more easily achieved.
#baped mutiled
#Rakorperindustian 2022