Coordination Meeting on the Discussion of the Capital City with Presidential Staff
Secretary of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Charmarijaty, ST. M.Sc. Accompanied by Kasubbid Data and Information Analysis, M. Hamsani, S.T., M.Sc. along with the staff attended the Coordination Meeting of the Capital City Discussion (IKN) together with a team from the Experts of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) led by Dr. Ali Mochtar Ngabalin M.Sc., Thursday (03/24/2022).
The meeting held in the Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office was led directly by the Acting. East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, Ir. Riza Indra Riadi, M.Sc. and attended by KSP experts, elements of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government such as Bappeda, PUPR Office, and other related OPDs as well as elements of the East Kalimantan Provincial Parliament, ATR/BPN, TNI, and Polri.
"Provincial Government and East Kalimantan Communities are very happy with the appointment of East Kalimantan Province as the capital of the new country. Related to this, it is also expected that the involvement of the people of East Kalimantan to be able to contribute actively in building IKN. " East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary.
further, "Regarding the data and other supporting information needed, we will facilitate through the relevant OPD in the East Kalimantan Province and other stakeholders that have been present", he explained.
To note, this coordination meeting is held to establish communication, synergy, and listen to the views and strategic issues of Forkopimda in East Kalimantan Province related to the transfer of new capital to East Kalimantan Province.
The results of this coordination meeting will be submitted to the President and Vice President in order to carry out the control of national priority programs and management of strategic issues, specifically related to the transfer of state capital to East Kalimantan Province which was ratified in Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the Capital City on 15 February 1522 and became the basis for the development of IKN in East Kalimantan Province.
"This coordination meeting is carried out to provide support data to the President, related K/L, and the Head of Authority in compiling the Declaration of the IKN Law which is being prepared and will soon be established around March or April 2022, such as Government Regulations related to the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) Bpk. Ngabalin in front of all meeting participants. (FJR/Humasbappedaprovkaltim)