
Thursday, 04 August 2022



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Coordination meeting of coaching and supervision of assistance tasks

The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through Bappeda held a coordination meeting for the implementation of the governor's duties and authority as the representative of the Central Government (GWPP) with the theme "Monitoring Evaluation of the Implementation of Assistance Duties in the Regency/City in the context of synergy between the Center and the Region through decoration of the task and authority (03/08/2022).


This event aims as a guidance and supervision of the administration of Co-Administration (TP) in the Regency/City opened by the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM was accompanied by the Head of Government and Regional Development, Hj. Nani Nuraini, ST., MT and the Head of the Regional Secretariat Development Administration Bureau of East Kalimantan Province, Hj. Lisa Hasliana. The event was attended by participants of approximately sixty people face to face coming from the regional apparatus of the scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Bappedalitbang Regency/City in East Kalimantan and some were present online.


While the speakers who attended from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Head of Human Development Division, Hj. Nani Nuraini, ST., MT and Head of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan Province, Hj. Lisa Hasliana, while speakers from the central government online include the Director of Deconcentration of Duties and Cooperation of Cooperation, the Ministry of PPN for Regional Development, Director General of Financial Balance, and directly attending the Head of the East Kalimantan Development Administration Bureau, and the Regency/City Bappelitbang in East Kalimantan.


Coordination with Regency/City Bappeda aims to determine the performance of the implementation of assistance tasks in the district/city, as well as evaluating the implementation of co-administration task activities on the achievement of the realization of program implementation, the assignment budget, the problems and obstacles faced, as well as the targets and follow-up and the solution in overcoming these constraints.


In his remarks Mr. Aswin explained the assignment of assistance is an assignment from the central government to the autonomous region to carry out some government affairs that are the authority of the central government or from the provincial government to the district/city region, the assignment of assistance is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government administration, development, and general services.

#baped mutiled

#Monitoring Evaluation of Development Assistant

#achievement of the City of City