
Friday, 20 December 2024



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Coordination Meeting of Poverty Reduction in East Kalimantan Province 2024

Samarinda, (12/19) - Today the Regional Poverty Reduction Coordination Meeting in 2024 was successfully held at the Puri Senyiur Hotel, Samarinda. This activity was attended by Sri Wahyuni ​​as the Regional Secretary of the Province of East Kalimantan, as well as resource persons from the Head of Representative of the East Kalimantan Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) of the Republic of Indonesia who were also present online. In addition, all Regional Government of East Kalimantan Province, Regency/City, and Vertical Agencies participated in today's meeting.

This coordination meeting aims to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty in East Kalimantan, in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Extreme Poverty Elimination. One of the main focus in this activity is updating the data of extreme poor families through verification and data validation from various districts/cities in East Kalimantan. Effective and data -based poverty reduction is a priority in realizing a 0 percent target of poverty.

This coordination meeting is the culmination of a series of poverty reduction coordination meetings that have been held starting from January. In the first month of 2024, a meeting of the provincial Poverty Reduction Coordinating Team (TKPK) was held in 2024, then in May a Poverty Reduction Coordination Meeting was held and stunted decline in 2024, continued on September 25, a verification and validation consolidation meeting was held District/City Poverty Data in East Kalimantan, then on 27 to 28 September, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held for the preparation of the Regional Poverty Reduction Plan (RPKD) together with the Provincial SKPD for poverty alleviation, then on 15 to 16 November, a Focus Group Discussion Meeting was held (FGD) Preparation of Regional Poverty Reduction Plans (RPKD) Together with Regency/City TKPK in East Kalimantan, and 4 December 2024, a Provincial TKPK Consolidation Meeting was held.

In the event that took place, the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda stated that poverty reduction was a top priority in an effort to improve the welfare of the people of East Kalimantan.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of East Kalimantan Province, in March 2024, the percentage of poor people in our province reached 5.78 percent, equivalent to 221,340 people. This figure shows a decrease of 0.33 percent or 9,730 people compared to March 2023. However, there needs to be a shared synergy to reduce extreme poverty to the target of 0 (zero) in 2026.

"The commitment that we will agree together at the end of this coordination meeting, will later be material in the formulation of policies both programs and activities in poverty reduction and preparation of poverty databases by name by address (BNBA ), so that all stakeholders can easily find out wherever the distribution of underprivileged communities so that poverty handling can be carried out on target. " Yusliando said in his remarks.

For this reason, the meeting is focused on the preparation of the Regional Poverty Reduction Plan (RPKD) and a more integrated annual action plan (RAT) and validation of P3KE and DTKS By Name By Address (BNBA) poverty data to the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and the use of the "East Kalimantan Integrated Poverty Management Information System" to support innovation in handling poverty.

This coordination also produces several agreements, including verification and validation of P3KE data (Achievement of Extreme Poverty Elimination) and DTKS (Integrated Social Welfare Data) as well as agreement on the period of preparation planning documents poverty at the provincial and district/city level.

Through this meeting, it is expected that poverty reduction in East Kalimantan can run more coordinated, effective, and data-based, in order to realize better welfare for the people of East Kalimantan.


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