
Friday, 22 July 2022



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Coordination Meeting of Disadvantaged Villages of East Kalimantan Province in 2022

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan through the Government and Human Development (PPM) and Regional Development Control and Evaluation Planning Sector (PPEPD) attended the Coordination Meeting for Underdeveloped Villages in East Kalimantan Province in 2022 organized by the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. Kaltim, Thursday (07/22/2022).


Coordination Meeting held at the East Kalimantan Governor's Office and was opened by the Head of the Regional Welfare Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. East Kalimantan, Mr. Andi Muhammad Ishak representing the Deputy Governor was attended by the Governor Team to Accelerate the Implementation of Development (TGUP3) of East Kalimantan, the elements of the regional apparatus related to the East Kalimantan Province and Regency/City and the Professional Companion of East Kalimantan Province.


"on behalf of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Deputy Governor welcomed this activity as a forum for coordination, monitoring and evaluation in the preparation of policy materials on the alleviation of disadvantaged villages in East Kalimantan", Deputy Governor Hadi Mulyadi said in his written remarks.


Furthermore, he reminded all stakeholders of the technical regional apparatus in order to compile and realize the targets that have been set, especially those related to the alleviation of underdeveloped villages in East Kalimantan.


Head of the Department of Community Empowerment and Village Government Prov. East Kalimantan, Mr. Syirajudin in the meeting said, in 2022 this East Kalimantan Province did not have a very underdeveloped village, but there were still 17 disadvantaged villages that would be the target of alleviation in 2023.


Responding to this, the planned young expert sub. Coordinator of the People's Welfare Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Asfiandi Zulfiar, S.T., M.URP in the meeting conveyed advice to jointly increase synergy in efforts to alleviate underdeveloped villages in East Kalimantan, specifically related to the accuracy and suitability of data in the field to produce a tabulation of data that can be accounted for.


Furthermore, young expert planners Sub. Coordinator of Data and Information Analysis of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Muhammad Hamsani also conveyed the importance of the integration of geospatial data as an appropriate support data in the effort to alleviate underdeveloped villages in the Province of East Kalimantan so that efforts to develop and realize the targets set by all relevant stakeholders can optimize.

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