
Thursday, 02 November 2023



791 kali dilihat

Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of the Preliminary Draft of the 2025-2045 East Kalimantan Provincial RPJPD

Active today (02/11/2023), Mr. Yusliando as head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda chaired the Coordination Meeting for Preparation of the Initial Draft of the RPJPD (Regional Long Term Development Plan) for 2025-2045 in the Propeda Meeting Room, East Kalimantan Bappeda.

The meeting participants who attended this coordination meeting were leadership elements from each field and sub-field along with staff within the East Kalimantan Bappeda. In this coordination meeting, the work reference framework for implementing a series of thematic FGDs (Focused Group Discussions) which will be carried out during November is discussed.

For information, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda will hold thematic FGDs with five themes, namely Social Transformation FGD, Economic Transformation FGD, Infrastructure FGD, Governance Transformation FGD, and Gen Z FGD which involves high school and equivalent students as well as university students.

The implementation of the FGD will use the pentahelix concept where several parties involved in the FGD activity come from government, academics, practitioners, society and also the mass media to collaborate in providing input in the form of ideas or ideas in regional development plans for the next 20 years.

It is hoped that this coordination meeting can align the common goals between sectors to make the series of thematic FGDs a success which will be held this month so that it can produce quality output for the preparation of the 2025 East Kalimantan RPJPD document. -2045.

