Thursday, 15 September 2022
Coordination Meeting of Industrial Development Planning in the Region in 2022
In order to formulate and communicate the direction of national industrial development policies in the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the Ministry of Industry together with the Ministry of PPN and the Ministry of Home Affairs coordinated industrial development planning in the 2022 area.
This activity was attended virtually by the Department of Industry and Provincial and Regency/City Bappeda throughout Indonesia.
To strengthen and clarify the role of the government in the development of national industries, a systematic national industry development plan has been compiled, comprehensive and futuristic, in realizing the 2015-2035 National Industrial Development Plan (RIPIN) as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 14 of 2015
and the first phase in the implementation of Ripin through the 2015-2019 National Industrial Policy (KIN) was determined through Presidential Regulation No. 42 of 2018 National Industrial Development was prioritized for the development of industrial plantations outside of the Java population growth and increasing competitiveness and productivity.
However there are still indicators that show obstacles in national industrial development: the growth rate of the industrial sector is still lower compared to GDP, the low productivity of the workforce of the industrial sector, and also the low competitiveness and added value of national export products, where processing industry products have a contribution of 70% to the total national export value
By considering these issues the focus of industrial development in the second phase of the national industrial policy, namely 2020-2024, is directed at the achievement of competitive advantage and environmental insight through strengthening industrial structure and technology mastery and supported by quality human resources.
#Ministry of Home Affairs
#baped mutiled
#industrinational development
#regional development
#Dating Development