
Wednesday, 20 July 2022



876 times seen

Coordination Meeting for the Preparation for Facilitating P-RKPD Regency/City in 2022

In the context of facilitating the draft Regional Regulation on Regency/City P-RKPD in 2022, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan held a Facilitation Preparation Meeting for the Regency/City RKPD in 2022 Virtual through the Zoom Meeting, Tuesday (07/19/2022).


This meeting was chaired by Mrs. Rina Juliaty as the Head of PPEPD, and was attended by Bappedalitbang Regency/City in East Kalimantan and the Planning of the Bappeda Prov.Kaltim.


This meeting aims to ensure the completeness of the delivery of facilitation requirements from the district/city which includes a facilitation application letter from the regional head, the P-RKPD rankhir document, the results of the control and evaluation of the annual planning policy, evaluating the results of the RKPD in 2022 Quarter, Filling in the Facilitation Form of the Ranperkada.

#baped mutiled

#Ranperkasrkpdkab Regency 2022