
Sunday, 28 November 2021



1173 times seen

Coordination meeting preparation for deconcentration activities

Thursday, November 25, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province represented by the Regional Planning, Control and Evaluation Field attended virtual activities "Coordination of Deconcentration Activities Preparation for Bappenas in 2022".

The Ministry of PPN/Bappenas held a Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Deconcentration of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas in 2022 in the framework of evaluating the implementation of the Deconcentration of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas in 2021 and the preparation for the implementation of the deconcentration activities of the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas in 2022.

National development performance is an aggregation of regional development performance. Therefore, the achievement of national development goals is a joint responsibility between the central government and regional governments.

The implementation of the Bappenas deconcentration has an important role in strengthening the coordination of Bappenas and Bappeda in terms of program control and improving the quality of spending to achieve development goals; As well as synchronizing/aligning the central and regional development plan in accordance with a joint circulation letter and the Minister of PPN/Head of Bappenas regarding the alignment of the RPJMD with the 2020-2024 RPJMN.


#baped mutiled

#evaluation of the concentration