
Thursday, 20 October 2022



961 times seen

Coordination Meeting of Tapal Border Preparation between East Kalimantan-Kalsel in Batu Aji, Muara Komam District

In the context of public services, the East Kalimantan government plans to carry out cooperation with the Government of South Kalimantan in terms of the construction of the boundary between the provinces of East Kalimantan-South Kalimantan in Batu Aji, Muaran Komam District, Wednesday (10/19/2022).


Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, Government Bureau, DPUPR-Tata Space and the Governor Team for escorting the acceleration of the development of East Kalimantan Province (TGUPPP) sits together for the initial coordination on October 19, 2022 at the Propeda meeting room.


TGUPPP Chairperson Mr. Adi Bukhari said based on the results of an integrated visit some time ago, his party assessed the gate on the provincial border in unfit conditions, when compared to other regions whose border gates are fairly beautiful.


This is what you want to build together with the Provincial Government. South Kalimantan and communicated related to budgeting mechanisms, gate design and resting places, social problems, land acquisition and others.


As information about the East Kalimantan-South Kalimantan Provincial Limits, Permendagri number 71 of 2019 means that legally and formally there are no more problems regarding the border, only to build and socialize in the community around the border gate.



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